近五年已发表的代表性论著 |
高熵合金方向 1. Qingxu Tian, Fuhui Chen, Peter K. Liaw, Yang Tong, Shuying Chen, Fanchao Meng, First-principles investigation of local atomic environment and its impact on properties in non-equiatomic CoCrFeNi high-entropy alloys, J. Mat. Res. Tech., 34, 2861-2871, (2025). 2. Hongmin Zhang, Haoyan Meng, Fanchao Meng, Yang Tong, Peter K. Liaw, Xiao Yang, Lei Zhao, Haizhou Wang, Yanfei Gao, Shuying Chen, Magnificient tensile stresngth and ductility synergy in a NiCoCrAlTi high-entropy alloy at elevated temperature, J. Mat. Res. Tech., 28, 522-532, (2024). 3. Guangyun Ji, Zhukun Zhou, Fanchao Meng, Xiao Yang, Ruixin Sheng, Jingbo Qiao, Peter K. Liaw, Mo Li, Liang Jiang, Shuying Chen, Yang Tong, Effect of Zr addition on the local structure and mechanical properties of Ti-Ta-Nb-Zr refractory high-entropy alloys, J. Mat. Res. Tech., 19, 4428-4438, (2022). 4. Fanchao Meng, Wenyan Zhang, Zhukun Zhou, Ruixin Sheng, Andrew C.-P. Chuang, Chongchong Wu, Hailiang Huang, Shangzhou Zhang, Hua Zhang, Lilong Zhu, Liang Jiang, Peter K. Liaw, Shuying Chen, Yang Tong, Charge transfer effect on local lattice distortion in a HfNbTiZr high entropy alloy, Scripta Mater., 203, 114104, (2021). 高温合金方向 1. Haoyan Meng, Jin Huang, Tianhao Zhao, Xiaoyu Zhang, Yang Tong, Jinglong Qu, Weidong Li, Liang Jiang, Fanchao Meng, Shuying Chen, High-throughput assessment of Nb, Co, Ti, and Al effects on microstructure and mechanical properties in wrought nickel-based superalloys, MGE Adv., (2025). 2. 王姝珺, 田庆旭, 曲敬龙, 王广磊, 武慧慧, 秦卫东, 张华, 江亮, 陈淑英, 孟范超, 高返回比GH4738合金的热变形行为及微观组织演变,《中国有色金属学报》 (2025). 3. 王姝珺, 田庆旭, 曲敬龙, 王广磊, 武慧慧, 秦卫东, 张华, 江亮, 陈淑英, 孟范超, GH4738大规格棒材初始晶粒分布对镦粗晶粒组织的影响,《中国有色金属学报》, 34(12), 4016-4029, (2024). 4. 韩屹章, 曲敬龙, 杨成斌, 王广磊, 张华, 江亮, 陈淑英, 孟范超, GH4738高温合金高通量双锥试样设计及晶粒组织演变,《中国有色金属学报》, 34(1), 169-183, (2024). 5. Yizhang Han, Hucheng Zhu, Jinglong Qu, Chengbin Yang, Guanglei Wang, Hua Zhang, Liang Jiang, Shuying Chen, Fanchao Meng, Flow stress and dynamic recrystallization behavior and modeling of GH4738 superalloy during hot compression, J. Mat. Res. Tech., 26, 4957-4974, (2023). 6. Zonglin Chi, Shuai Ren, Jingbo Qiao, Jinglong Qu, Chengbin Yang, Zhuanye Xie, Hua Zhang, Liang Jiang, Shuying Chen, Fanchao Meng, Failure behaviors and processing maps with failure domains for hot compression of a powder metallurgy nickel-based superalloy, J. Mat. Res. Tech., 20, 3860-3874, (2022). 固态增材方向 1. Xiaping Fan, Qingxu Tian, Xin Chu, Peter K. Liaw, Yang Tong, Shuying Chen, Fanchao Meng, Microstructure and mechanical properties of Co31.5Cr7Fe30Ni31.5 high-entropy alloy powder produced by plasma rotating electrode process and its applications in additive manufacturing, J. Mat. Res. Tech., 31, 1924-1938, (2024). 2. Xiaping Fan, Xin Chu, Yingchun Xie, Dawei Zhou, Qingxu Tian, Yang Tong, Peter K. Liaw, Shuying Chen, Fanchao Meng, Microstructure and mechanical properties of cold spray additive manufactured and post heat treated high-entropy alloys with mixed CoCrFeNi and Ti powders, J. Mat. Res. Tech., 27, 4328-4344, (2023). 3. Fanchao Meng, Xiaping Fan, Zonglin Chi, Shuying Chen, Xin Chu, Modeling parameters for finite element simulation of residual stress in cold spray and the stress evolution and distribution, J. Therm. Spray Tech., 32, 1966-1984, (2023).