近五年教学、科研获奖及专利 |
1. 2021、2022年获山东省高层次人才服务表现突出个人; 2、张文彦, 李霞, 张尚洲, 朱礼龙, 张华, 陈淑英, 孟范超. 一种管接头及其制备方法, 专利ZL202010273357.2. |
近五年已发表的代表性论著 |
1、F.C. Meng, W.Y. Zhang (共同一作), Z.K. Zhou, et al. Charge-transfer effect on local lattice distortion in a HfNbTiZr high entropy alloy. Scripta Materialia, 203 (2021) 114104. 2、W.Y. Zhang, H. Zhang, L.F. Wang, et al. Microstructure evolution and mechanical properties of AZ31 magnesium alloy sheets prepared by low-speed extrusion with different temperature, Crystals, 10(8) (2020) 644. |