近五年已发表的代表性论著 |
1) J.W. Teng, X.J. Gong, B.B. Yang, S. Yu, R.L. Lai, J.T. Liu, Y.P. Li, High temperature oxidation behavior of a novel Ni-Cr-W-Al-Ti superalloy, Corrosion Science. 198 (2022) 110141. 2) J.W. Teng, X.J. Gong, B.B. Yang, S. Yu, J.T Liu, Y.P Li, Influence of Ti addition on oxidation behavior of Ni-Cr-W-based superalloys, Corrosion Science. 193 (2021) 109882. 3) J.W Teng, X.J Gong, Y.P Li, Y. Nie, Influence of aging on twin boundary strengthening in magnesium alloys, Materials Science and Engineering A. 715 (2018) 137–143. 4) R.R Shang, X.J. Gong, Y.P. Li, J.W. Teng*, Flake Cu-5Ag alloy powder with enhanced oxidation resistance via aging, Advanced Powder Technology. 34 (2023) 103921. 5) Y.P. Li, B.B. Yang, M. Zhang, H. Wang, W. Gong, R.L. Lai, Y.P. Li, J.W. Teng*, The corrosion behavior and mechanical properties of 5083 aluminum alloy manufactured by additive friction stir deposition. Corrosion Science. (2023) 110972. 6) C. Li, J.W. Teng, B.B. Yang, X.J. Ye, Y.P. Li, Effect of Carbon Content on Wear Behavior of Ni-Co-Cr-Mo-Cu Alloy, Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance (2023). 7) C. Li, J.W. Teng, B.B. Yang, X.J. Ye, L. Huang, Y. Liu, Y.P. Li, Portevin-Le Châtelier Effect in a Powder Metallurgy Co-Ni-Based Superalloy, Materials. 15 (2022) 2796.