近五年已发表的代表性论著 |
1) M.M. Chen, R.H. Shi*, Z.Z. Liu*, Y.H. Li, Q. Du, Y.H. Zhao, J.X. Xie*. Phase-field simulation of lack-of-fusion defect and grain growth during laser powder bed fusion of Inconel 718, International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, (2023). 2) M.M. Chen, Q. Du*, R.H. Shi*, H.D. Fu, Z.Z. Liu, J.X. Xie. Phase field simulation of microstructure evolution and process optimization during homogenization of additively manufactured Inconel 718 alloy, Frontiers in Materials, 9(2022) 1043249. 3) M.M. Chen, Q. Du*, H.D. Fu, X.Q. He, Z.K. Huang, R.H. Shi, J.X. Xie*. The formation of secondary phase in sub-rapid solidification process of Al-Mg-Si alloys. Materialia, 15(2021) 101022. 4) Q. Du*, M.M. Chen, J.X. Xie. Modelling grain growth with the generalized Kampmann-Wagner numerical model. Computational Materials Science, 186 (2021) 110066. 5) P.F. Hu, Z.Z. Liu*, M.M.Chen, Y.H.Li, X.H. Qi, J.X. Xie*. Reducing cracking sensitivity of CM247LC processed via laser powder bed fusion through composition modification, Journal of Materials Research and Technology-JMR&T, 29 (2024) 3074-3088 |